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Um escritor, um poeta, um aventureiro,

Monday, 30 November 2009

"Many Thanks"

Recently I found some information about my arrest in Jakarta in 1995.

On behalf of my family in East Timor and in England, I would like to thank the East Timorese and Indonesians, who helped bring this information to AI, HRW and TAPOL.

Especially I would like to thank AI, HRW and TAPOL who worked hard to denounce human rights violence in East Timor and Indonesia during the Indonesian occupation in East Timor.

Celso Oliveira

Documents on East Timor from
PeaceNet and Connected Computer Networks
Volume 34: - December 1, 1994 - January 16, 1995

Published by:
East Timor Action Network / U.S.

P.O. Box 1182, White Plains, NY 10602 USA
Tel: 914-428-7299 Fax: 914-428-7383

AI UA011/95 INDONESIA Detention
AI Index: ASA 21/07/95


“Rui” Celso Oliveira, 23, human rights activist East Timorese Celso Oliveira has been arrested in Jakarta after sending information overseas about the situation in East Timor.

Celso was reportedly arrested without a warrant, and Amnesty International is concerned that he may be being held solely because of his peaceful activities in opposition to Indonesian rule of East Timor, and in particular, the dissemination of information concerning human rights. The organization urges that Celso be provided with immediate access to lawyers of his own choice.

Celso Oliveira was arrested around 11am on 13 January 1995 after a security guard in a bookshop handed him over to police. It is believed that Celso was then transferred from police custody to Jakarta’s regional military intelligence headquarters, Bakorstanasda.

At the time of his arrest Celso Oliveira was carrying a document describing the current atmosphere in East Timor which he had distributed to human rights organizations in Indonesia and overseas.

It is believed that lawyers from the Indonesian Legal Aid Institute (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum), LBH, are currently negotiating with the authorities to visit Celso Oliveira in military custody. Just prior to his arrest Celso Oliveira stated that he had been visited twice by the military at his home in Dili, East Timor, although the reason for their inquiries was not clear.

The arrest of Celso Oliveira is consistent with a pattern of short-term and arbitrary detention of real or alleged opponents to Indonesian rule of East Timor. Thousands of East Timorese have been held without charge or trial for periods ranging from a few days to several months, since late 1991.

Many have been denied access to their relatives and lawyers and some are known to have been ill-treated and tortured. Others have been tried and sentenced for their peaceful activities. José Antonio Neves (see UA 198/94, 23 May 1994, and follow-ups ASA 21/15/94, 2 June; ASA 21/23/94, 20 June; ASA 21/26/94, 27 June) is currently being tried on charges of anti-government activities, in part because of attempts to send information about human rights violations in East Timor to foreign organizations. A verdict for Neves is expected this month.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/express and airmail letters either in English, Bahasa Indonesia or in your own language:

· expressing concern that Celso Oliveira was arrested on 13 January 1995 without an arrest warrant, and that he may have been detained solely for his peaceful activities in opposition to the Indonesian Government;
· urging that he be immediately and unconditionally released, unless he is to be charged with a recognisably criminal offence under existing laws;
· urging the authorities to ensure that Celso Oliveira has immediate access to lawyers of his own choice.

Minister of Justice: Haji Utoyo Usman SH [Salutation: Dear Minister Utoyo Usman]
Menteri Kehakiman Jl Rasuna Said
Kav 6-7 Kuningan Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Faxes: 01062 21 314 1625
Menteri Kehakiman, Jakarta, Indonesia

Military Commander for Region X/Jakarta Raya (covers Greater Jakarta):
Maj. Gen. Wiranto [Salutation: Dear Maj. Gen. Wiranto] Pangdam X/Jakarta Raya

Markas Besar KODAM X/Jaya Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo Jakarta, Indonesia Telegrams: Pangdam
X/Jakarta Raya, Jakarta Indonesia


Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ali Alatas
SH Menteri Luar Negeri Jl Medan Taman
Pejambon No 6 Jakarta, Indonesia
Faxes: 01062 21 36 0517

Chair of the National Commission on
Human Rights: Ali Said SH Ketua Komisi
Nasional Hak Azasi Manusia Jalan Veteran
No 11 Jakarta, Indonesia Faxes: c/o Ministry
of Justice 01062 21 314 1625

(Page 22, East Timor Documents, Volume 34. December 1, 1994 - January 16, 1995)

Celso Ximenes de Oliveira, aged 22, the East Timorese arrested in the Gunung Agung bookstore in Senen, Jakarta, last week, was carrying documents with him from Konis Santana, as well as an Infight publication and the White Book on the June press bannings. Customers are apparently supposed to check their bags at Gunung Agung, and when he walked into the store without doing so, the Satpam got him.

Celso’s father, Dominggos Ximenes, was an Apodeti member; his mother works at the East Timorese house in Taman Mini. It is not yet clear where he was being detained; there was some fear he had been taken to Kramat V, the military intelligence interrogation interrogation center, but there is no confirmation of that.

(East Timor Documents, Volume 34. December 1, 1994 - January 16, 1995. Page 23)

TAPOL Report, 13 January 1995

A reliable human rights contact in Jakarta today told TAPOL that an East Timorese named Celso Oliveira, 23, was arrested at the Gunung Agung Bookshop, Kwitang, Jakarta this morning.

It is not clear whether he is currently a resident in Jakarta or in Dili. He was arrested by a member of the store’s security, SATPAM, handed on to the Jakarta regional military command and taken to the interrogation centre in Kramat Lima. It is more than likely that he will have immediately been subjected to torture.

Our contact said the security authorities had found a document in his possession which details recent events in East Timor and which had been faxed to a number of human rights organisations overseas, including TAPOL.

This may have been the document that was posted on reg. easttimor several days ago, entitled ‘Widespread tension in East Timor.’

There are fears that this will develop into a case like that of José Antonio Neves who is now on trial in Malang, East Java, on charges of rebellion.
Meanwhile, we have just learnt that the daily, Kompas, reported on 5 January the arrest in West Papua of three East Timorese on 28 December, as they were trying to flee Indonesia and go to Australia.

According to Major-Gen. Ketut Wirdhana, commander of the Trikora military command covering Maluku and Irian Jaya, the three had come to Sorong for a match with a local team but remained there after the team left for home and “obtained identity cards, certificates of good conduct, birth certificates and passports to escape to Australia.”

They were arrested before being able to leave Sorong. He alleged that one of the three had taken part in an anti-integration demonstration in Dili.
They were being handed over to the Udayana military command based in Bali which covers East Timor.

(Page 24, East Timor Documents, Volume 34. December 1, 1994 - January 16, 1995.)

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Funu ba Ukun Rasik-an iha Portugal mos hanesan Sociedadi Unipesoal, LDA

Parti ida

Kuandu hau le Mari Alkatiri, eis PM no atual Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin, nia artigu ho titulu: IV Governo Konstituisional ka Sociedadi Unipesoal, LDA, halo hau hanoin konaba pasajem luta ba ukun rasik an iha epoka hafoin tiha Massakre Santa Cruz tinan 1991 to'o iha 30 Agostu 99, iha Portugal. Artigu hosi Mari Alkatiri, obriga hau atu hakerek uitoan konaba moris klosan Timor oan nebe hili dalan "Suaka Politik" hodi bele hakilar iha Portugal hafoin tiha massakre Santa Cruz tinan 1991.

Hau iha serteza katak Timor oan barak lahatene konaba oinsa (1) Realidadi hosi funu diplomatika Timor nian iha Portugal. (2). Oinsa lideres hosi partidus historiku (Fretilin no UDT) sira nia moris iha Frenti Diplomatika iha Portugal. (3) Oinsa komunidadi Timor sira nia moris iha Portugal. (4) Oinsa Convensaun Nasional da Resistensia Timor konsege realiza iha Peniche, Portugal, iha 1998. (5) Tamba saida maka komunidadi Timor iha Portugal la dedika sira nia moris tomak iha atividadis politikas hodi liberta lalais ita nia rai doben Timor Lorosa'e? (6) Tamba saida maka mosu konflitus (baku malun to'o atu oho malun) entre klosan "Suaka Politik" iha Portugal?...etc...

Aproveito blog ida ne'e, hau hakerek uitoan konaba oinsa lideres hosi Fretilin no UDT iha Portugal halo funu Timor hanesan Sociedadi Unipesoal, LDA.

Iha Portugal, diverjensia entre lideres politikus (Fretilin ho UDT) maka'as tebe-tebes. Lideres Fretilin dada ba sorin ida, lideres UDT dada ba sorin seluk. Lideres politikus (lideres partidus Fretilin no UDT) ida-idak lori liafuan "demokrasia" hodi halo funu Timor hanesan Sociedadi Unipesoal partidu ida-ida nian. Enkuantu iha Timor, Timor oan lori Unidadi Nasional hodi enfrenta poderoso Indonesio. Iha Timor, funu nain sira preokupa ho partisipasaun ativa hosi povo Timor tomak hodi kontra Indonesia, maibe iha Portugal, lideres partidus ida-ida preokupa liu ho sira nia partidu du ke nasaun Timor nia futuru.

Hafoin tiha massakre Santa Cruz iha 1991, klosan barak halai sai hosi Timor tamba persegidu no ameasadu hodi husu "Suaka Politik" iha embaixadas estranjeiras iha kapital Indonesia, Jakarta. Objektivu hosi "Suaka Politik" maka: "bolu atensaun ba komunidadi internasional konaba violasaun DH iha Timor Leste".

Portugal sai hanesan ultimo parajem ba klosan Timor oan nebe husu 'Suaka Politik". To'o iha Portugal, klosan sira hetan kedas apoios hosi Governu no ONG's Portuguesas. Maibe, klosan barak maka senti frustradus, stress, dezilididu tamba hare hetan lideres politikus nebe halo funu Timor hanesan Sociedadi Unipesoal partidu ida-ida nian. Fretilin ho UDT fahe malun maka'as. Laiha orientasaun politikas, laiha koordenasaun politikas, la respeitu konseitu Unidadi Nasional, la respeitu Xanana Gusmao hanesan lideres maximu funu nian iha tempu neba no seluk-seluk tan. To'o klosan balun hateten nune: "iha Timor ita fo'o isin ho klamar hodi liberta Timor. Iha Timor ita loke hirus matan hodi hasoru Indonesia. Maibe iha Portugal ita foin hatene lolos katak funu ne'e sei naruk ba nafatin tamba lideres sira la kohi tu'ur hamutuk. Se maun bo'ot sira kontinua hanesan ne'e oinsa futuru povo Timor nian?"

Iha reuniaun ida iha Universidadi Lisboa entre klosan Timor ho Dr. Ramos Horta (So Dr. Ramos Horta deit maka halo bebeik reuniaun ho komunidadi Timor iha Portugal), klosan ida dehan nune: "Se maun bo'ot sira kontinua fahe malun tamba partidus, diak liu haruka ami fila fali ba Timor hodi kaer kilat hamutuk ho maun bo'ot Falintil sira iha ai-laran".

Klosan "Suaka Politik" labele halo tan buat seluk tamba: difikuldadis lingua, kultura no klima nebe sira enfrenta iha primeira faze kuandu sira to'o iha Portugal.

Se karik la lori klosan "Suaka Politik", entaun Convensaun Nasional da Resistensia Timor sei la konsege realiza iha Peniche, Portugal, iha 1998. Tamba obstakulu barak maka padre Maubere (padre Maubere hanesan koordenador ba konvensaun) hasoru iha Portugal. Liu-liu lideres hosi Fretilin lakohi troka naran CNRM ba CNRT.
Iha reuniaun ida iha Campu Pequeno iha Lisboa, konaba atu realiza ka lae Convensaun Nasional da Resistensia Timor, klosan "suaka Politik" obrigadu hamrik hodi taka odamatan hodi ameasa lideres sira tu'ur hamutuk hodi asina dokumentu ida konaba aseita realiza Konvensaun ne'e. Tamba hare'e ba importansia hosi Unidadi Nasional, klosan "Suaka Politik" tenki halo buat hotu hodi obriga lideres (Fretilin no UDT) tu'ur hamutuk.

Iha Portugal, so Dr. Ramos Horta, uluk hanesan representanti espesial Xanana Gusmao nian, maka halibur malun beibeik ho komunidadi Timor em jeral i espesialmente ho klosan "Suaka Politik" iha pensaun Floresta I, II, iha Universidadi Lisboa no fatin seluk tan. Lideres politikus sira seluk so buka halibur ho sira nia militantis nebe ikus mai nein ida hetan resultadu diak iha Timor.

Desde uluk kedas klosan "Suaka Politik" dehan nune: "se maun bo'ot sira kontinua ho hahalok hanesan ne'e, labele hanoin katak loron ida kuandu Timor Ukun Rasik-an, maun bo'ot sira bele ukun povo Timor. Se maun bo'ot sira la konsege halibur komunidadi Timor iha Portugal enkuantu mais povo Timor".

Resultadu final hosi Fretilin no UDT iha Portugal maka ne'e: "hafoin tiha ukun rasik-an Joao Carascalao la konsege halo moris UDT iha Timor (iha 2002 UDT hetan deputadu 2 deit iha PN i iha 2007 UDT lakon total), i, Mari Alkatiri la konsege halibur Fretilin iha Timor (enkuantu uluk iha tempu funu ba Ukun Rasik-an, ema Timor barak maka hakilar hodi Fretilin nia naran). Iha 2006 Fretilin iha Mari Alkatiri nia lideransa monu tamba inkompetensia hosi Mari rasik".

Ne'e duni, lia fuan "Sociedadi Unipesoal, LDA", laos foun ba lideres sira hosi liur tamba duranti funu ba ukun rasik-an iha Portugal, sira halo funu Timor hanesan Kompanhia Unipesoal iha estranjeiru, iha ida-ida nia partidu politiku.

Sei kontinua.....

Celso Oliveira

Monday, 16 November 2009

Istoria Kmanek Ida Konaba Saudozu Sebastiao Gomes no Sira Seluk

Written by Domingos da Silva and Emilia Ana
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Afonso Gomes, Aman
CJITL flash,
“Pai, ita oan mane mak tur deit, ita la halo buat ruma maka rai Timor ema seluk mak sei ukun nafatin no ita sai atan nafatin ne’e ladiak ida” ne’e mak lia fuan husi saudozu Sebastiao Gomes ba nia aman Afonso Gomes antes nia sai husi uma ne’ebe ikus mai Militar Indonezia tiru mate iha loron 28 Outubro 1991 iha Igreja Motael.

Nune’e Afonco Gomes no Rita Rangel inan Aman husi Sebastiao Gomes hateten sente tristi tanba oan mane nebe mak nia hadomi liu mate.

Afonso Gomes haktuir liafuan hirak ne’e ho tristi no tanis iha nia oan mane nia rate leten iha semiteriu Santa Cruz iha selebrasaun dala 18 masakre ne’e.

Iha fatin hanesan Florindo Do Rego alin husi saudosa Natalino Do Rego dadalia ho CJITL online katak, Nia alin lakon iha 12 de Novembru 1991 maibe agora hetan fali nia ruin ona ne’ebe agora husu ba Governu bele tau Eroi sira nia ruin hamutuk fatin ida.

“Lori 12 de Novembru hodi hatudu ba Mundu Internasional katak Timor mos luta ba Ukun rasik a’an” hateten Florindo.
“Ita hotu hatene joven masakre 12 Novembru luta hasoru Militar Indonezia sira la'os hodi kilat maibe lori Brani hasoru Militar Indonezia hodi hakilar lia fuan katak “Mate ka Moris ukun Rasik a’an” tenik Florindo.

Nune’e mos Sebastiana Soares Inan husi saudoso Antonio freitas soares ho tinan 17 mate iha 12 de Novembru iha semiteriu santa kruz maibe agora hetan ona nia Ruin.

“Freitas hanesan oan ikun husi maun alin sanulu, Freitas mak hau hadomi liu entre nain sanulu ne’e tanba nia mak ikun” Sebastiana haktuir ho matan be’en nakonu.

Sebastiana hateten maske agora hetan ona nia oan nia ruin maibe nia sei ejiji nafatin ba Governu Indonesia no Governu Timor Leste atu tur hamutuk hodi halo Monumentu ida ba Vitima sira ne’e .

“Maske hetan ona hau nia oan nia ruin maibe hau sei tristi tanba nia maluk barak mak sedauk hetan nia ruin, hau husu ba Governu Indonezia no Governu Timor Leste atu halo Monumentu ida iha santa kruz ne’e tanba sira mate iha ne’e” hateten Sebastiana. (dsc-emy/cjitl)

Sunday, 15 November 2009


Por: Loriku

O nascimento no paraíso da terra oprimida
A passagem na pátria amada
A juventude feliz e gozada
Com amor dos amados
Abrem-se as asas da liberdade
Nasceu o sonho pela liberdade
Liberdade traída e rasgada
Com Irmãos em guerra revolucionária
Divididos pelos princípios,
Princípios temporais
No tempo dos homens
Os homens temporais
No espaço e tempo do universo

Herói meu,
Armas em mãos
Na luta sem medo
Contra invasores estrangeiros
Deita-se o vosso corpo
Pelo colo da terra mãe
Pelo sonho da liberdade
Liberdade pelo rumo divergente
Divergência dos irmãos divididos
Traídos e abandonados
Sois da terra mãe, eis o vosso amor, o vosso sonho, a vossa razão
A última suspira na vossa boca seca e bem amarga,
As lágrimas que choram
Na matança sem fim
O sangue derramado pelo amor sem condição
Terra mãe
Paraíso misterioso
Mistérios dos corpos perdidos e almas dos desaparecidos
Sem campas e esquecidos
Verdadeiros heróis e traídos,
Dos corações rasgados
Rasgados pelas verdades enterradas
Verdades dos irmãos guerreiros
Em guerra dos abandonados

Herói meu
Hás-de se lembrar
De novo serreis ressuscitado
Ressuscitado na memória dos seus filhos
Os filhos dos esquecidos, dos bravos guerreiros sem medo

Herói meu
Mereceis a honra
Prometerei e direi
Não morrereis em vão
Por sois meu herói
Eis meu amor
Eis minha lembrança
A lembrança eterna e as saudades que doem
As dores dos que amam
Pela bravura na luta sagrada
Tombado pela pátria
A pátria libertada

Herói meu
O falecimento no paraíso libertado!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

19 de Novembro de 1991 Primeira Manifestasaun Estudanti Timor oan iha Jakarta

Ohin loron koalia konaba loron historiku 12 de Novembro de 1991 labele haluha atu koalia mos konaba primeira manifestasaun organizada hosi estudanti Timor oan iha Jawa no Bali nebe realiza iha loron 19 fulan Novembro tinan 1991. Semana ida tiha hosi Massakre Santa Cruz iha Dili, estudanti Timor oan sira iha Jawa no Bali organiza kedas protestu ida iha Jakrata. Objektivu prinsipal maka Ukun Rasik-an ba Timor.

Hafoin tiha manifestasaun iha Jakarta, autoridadi Indonesia kaer klosan estudanti barak, inklui Avelino Coelho, Fernando Lasama, Joao Camara, Virgilio (Gil) no seluk tan.

Nota: Se maka iha tan informasaun konaba primeira manifestasaun hosi estudanti Timor oan iha Jakarta, iha loron 19 de Novembro de 1991, favor ida hakerek iha blog ne'e atu nune ita labele haluha aksaun husi heroi klosan no estudanti Timor oan iha tempu luta ba ukun rasik an iha tinan 1991.

Celso Oliveira

12 de Novembro de 1991

Thursday, 12 November 2009

12 Novembro de 1991

12 de Novembro de 1991 hanesan loron historiku ba povo Timor.
271 mate, 278 kanek no 270 lakon.

Celso Oliveira

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Dili, Kapital Demonstrasaun

(Hakerek Hodi hakbesik-an ba tinan 18 Massakre Santa Cruz, 12 de Novembro de 1991-2009)

Iha fulan kotuk hau publika historia oan ida konaba Ulises Goncalves (Uli) nebe mate iha 12 de Novembro de 1991. Tinan 18 tiha, Uli nia ruin hetan fila fali iha vala komum iha hera. Klaru ema barak kontinua hein sira nia familia nia ruin nebe mate iha Massacre Santa Cruz atu hetan lalais. Tamba razaun ne'e maka Timor Leste tenki iha relasaun bilateral diak ho Indonesia.

Iha tinan 1865, kuandu ema portuguez muda kapital hosi Oe-Cusse ba Dili (klaru hafoin tiha tratado Lisboa nebe fahe Timor Ocidental ho Timor Portuguez), sira nunka imajina katak loron ida sei mosu iha Dili, iha semiteriu Santa Cruz, manifestasaun bo'ot hosi klosan Timor nebe la kontenti ho okupasaun brutal no illegal hosi rai vizinhu Indonesia.

Dili, Kapital Demonstrasaun
Buat sira ne’e hahu’u iha 12 de Outubru de 1989. Iha momentu neba, ema seidauk kaer telemovel/hand phone/mobile phone hodi bele dada besik informasaun hosi Timor Leste ba mundu tomak.

Kuandu Joao Paulo II halo visita oras hat iha Timor Leste, ema rihun ba rihun maka tuir missa iha Dili. Hafoin tiha missa iha tasi tolu, Dili, klosan lubun ida aproveita ho prejensa jornalistas estranjeirus nebe visita Timor hamutuk ho Joao Paulo II, lakohi husik liu oportunidadi (Klosan aswain konsidera oportunidadi "osan mean") hodi hatudu sira nia deskontenti ho okupasaun Indonesia iha Timor. Ida ne’e hanesan primeira manifestasaun publika organizada hosi Frenti Klandestina iha Dili.

Kuandu klosan sira baku malun ho “aparat keamanan Indonesia” iha altar nia oin, halo rai rahun sae maka’as. Santo Padre Joao Paulo II husu ba Bispo Belo nune: "saida maka akontese iha kraik neba?”
Amo Belo explika: “klosan Timor hatudu sira nia deskontenti ho okupasaun Indonesia iha Timor Leste”.
Santo Padre la hateten tan buat ida. Nia lao nafatin husik hela rai rahun nakonu no kadeira sae malun entre klosan “aswain” ho “aparat keamanan”.

Visita oras hat hosi hirarkia bo'ot liu iha Igreja Katolika, lori esperansa ba povo Timor. Maibe konsekuensia hosi visita ne’e lori mos kapturasaun ba Klosan Timor oan sira.

Hahu’u hosi akontesimentu historiku ida ne’e, militar Indonesia kaer klosan Timor la para.

Liu tiha fulan rua, iha Janeiro 1990, kuandu embaixador EUA John Monjo visita Timor, dala ida tan klosan Timor lakohi husik liu oportunidadi ne’e. Sira organiza manifestasaun iha hotel turismu nia oin. Klosan barak maka tama prizaun, balun mate.

Massakre Santa Cruz mosu hafoin tiha manifestasaun iha Tasi Tolu, hotel Turismo no fatin seluk tan iha Dili, kapital Timor Leste. Massacre Santa Cruz la lori kedas independensia ba Timor Leste maibe Massakre Santa Cruz fanun fila fali komunidadi internasional nebe dukur ba kestaun Timor. Molok Massakre Santa Cruz, komunidadi internasional fo'o liu "apoio" ba diplomasia indonesia du ke diplomasia timorense.


Buat sira hotu grasa hosi jornalista britaniku Max Stahl nebe halo reportajem diak iha loron 12 fulan Novembro tinan 1991. Iha momentu neba, ema Timor "fan sira nia moris konsientemente" hodi bele hetan Liberdadi no Ukun Rasik-an. Hotu/Fim

Foto: hasai hosi Google Image.
Autoria: Celso Oliveira